Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pirate101 Closed beta and NDC!

First off if you've been itchn' for some P101 spoilers head over to Pirate101 Central you will need to join and log in to view the pictures.

Now that we have gotten even more excited about P101 let's talk about beta. Yes, I am sure all of you are very excited to get into beta but remember it's a closed beta which means if you don't get invited you will HAVE to wait until the game is released to actually play, and during the time of beta don't expect any pictures.

Once you join Alpha or Closed Beta you have to sign to a NDC (Non-Disclosure Agreement) what this means is that once you join Alpha or Beta you can NOT post pictures, talk about, record, etc. If you do KI might take legal action against you and you will possibly be banned from the game. Good luck to you all in getting into Beta!
See you in the Spiral!